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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Scripts. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

New Year Countdown

Countdoown to New Year with menu to set your time zone, font type and color, resizer, 3 mask/background pictures to choose from, 3 display formats for time; -Days, hours, minutes and seconds -All seconds -Hours, minutes and seconds.
Simulation option to ckeck how will looks at zero.
Displays a scrolling Happy New Year 2010 message at zero.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

Symmetry tool v.1 - MIRROR AND COPY

This tool creates copies or symmetrical copies of any full perm object.

This tool doesn’t just copy the owner's contents, because of the growing use of other creators’ prefabs such as sculpts, ect.


* You will be the creator of all the objects copied using this machine.
* It makes a perfect symmetric copy of all the parameters of the prim.

- As far as we know, this is the only machine able to copy correctly the textures applied in the hollow sides.
- This machine creates symmetrical copies from torus, tubes and rings using two different procedures, doing pefect mirrors of prims than other machines can't do.
- It can also copy the inventory of each prim, including name, description and the stript’s estate.

NOTE: Due to SL the machine isn’t able to make symmetrical copies of all the prims (specifically some very special torus); although the symmetrical copy isn’t exactly similar, the difference isn’t usually noticeable.

* This machine is able to link all the prims before the copying procedure or all the links or a part of them after the copying procedure.
* It contains a sophisticated procedure for huge and tiny prims, which let you mend bad copies or symmetries quickly, or make correct copies or symmetries of these special prims.

-Due to the special characteristics oh these prims, can’t be reproduced automatically.

* It can work prim by prim or in a global way with all the prims. In general, the process is very fast.
* The machine works with menus which include help and the estate of the procedure, making it easy and understandable. It includes also floating texts of the processes.
* Copies and symmetries can be made in any orientation and position, and even you change the symmetry’s orientation and position after creating it.
* It is mono compiled.
* Free updates.
* Spanish and English detailed instructions (visual guide and tutorial video soon).
* Machine’s general permissions: modify and copy.Script's permissions: copy.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009

Pose Stand Pro v1.0

Professional pose stand for editing, modeling and photo sesions.
- Menu driven pose stand in 1 prim.
- The menu includes next, prev and first buttons to change animations.
- You can set rotation and its speed.
- Hide/show the floating text and hide the stand when someone is sited on it.
- Set time for the auto mode, the stands will change animations randomly or sequentially.
- You can set sit permission to all, group or just the owner.
- Easy installation. Just drop the animations and it’s ready.
- Free updates and we are open to suggestion to improve the stand.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

Sculpted heart with editable text

Sculpted heart with editable text.
Modify text easily in the notecard, you have 4 lines; 15, 10, 10 and 5 characters per line, respectively.

Includes a couple poseball with kissing animation.

viernes, 30 de enero de 2009

Perfect Resizer 3D 1.0 For builders

This script allow you to change the size of any object (linkset), keeping proportions and respecting SL size limits.(Not for use with Hugeprims).

You can use this with your creations. But you have to set the scripts copy or transfer, never both perms.

Fast, easy and very intuitive set up.
Many options to open menu for final owner. (Everything included as prebuilt-in scripts):

- Menu will open touching any prim from object.

- Menu will open touching a prim which is not the father prim, for example for a prim in form of button.
- Menu is a part of a submenu.
- Open with an object external to the object. It can be a HUD or another from other object.

+ Restore button in case you mess up to start from default size.
+ Scaling buttons adjust from range you use on the object. And menu shows the grade of the scale you are using.
+ Immediate resizing.
+ Includes an api, so you can use its commands to combine as you like with other scripts and create your menus.
+ Full support.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008

Poseball killer V.1.0 - Prim sitter

Poseball Killer is a prim sitter made for builders or anyone who wants to set animations and poses in prims. No poseballs, no math. Instructions in spanish and english.

You can change the animation with a menu while you are sitting; also can change the position for each pose in the same prim.
The menu has a lot of options: sequential mode, random, hide prim or not, floating text, block the menu...
You can place in a prim up to 22 animations.
It's fast and easy to use
Just drag one script per prim you want to set.
Animations are dragged just once, (it copies animations automatically in the prim).

You don’t have to copy and paste the data in a notecard.

You can use it on any modifiable prim
Linked or unlinked.
Sculpted prim or not.
You can also link or unlink and set more later.
You can resell your creations

In the pictures you can see a fast guide to set animations and some advanced option.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

High heels sound and animations - for all your shoes

Tired of your boots or shoes with sounds? Want a high heel sound with animations and more for all your shoes and boots? You can get it now.

Easy menu, sexy and female walk, real high heel sounds, 2 blings (normal and super). English and Spanish instructions included.

Just have to wear the object with the script, it has a transparent texture so you can attach it wherever you want without any problem and use it with all the shoes or boots you have.

There are also two scripts with copy permissions. You can add them to your shoes or any object you want. One is for add the bling in any part and the other script activates the touch option for a menu display in other objects.

The main script, animations and sounds are no mod.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

Simon game

This game works just like the original classic simon game. Click to start the game.
The game lights these buttons in a sequence, playing a tone for each button; the player must press the buttons in the same sequence.
The sequence begins with a single button chosen randomly, and adds another randomly-chosen button to the end of the sequence each time the player follows it successfully. Gameplay ends when the player makes a mistake.
The score counts the amount of colors or sounds that you have memorized.